Friday, October 3, 2008

Why is Everybody Always Hatin' on me?

There are some things that have really gotten on my nerves this week. And I need to let it out. So here are some things that I've been hating this week.

1. Eye Infections - I have had this eye infection off and on for 5 months. I am done with it. We have got to figure out what is going on!

2. Cracker Barrel - yes, there pancakes are good but apparently this is the only restaurant that anyone knows to go to. I am so through with this place. I am not going back at least until next year! And that is only if someone drags me there. I would be fine to never go back in my life!

3. Post-Debate Analysis - Everyone always claims that their candidate won the debate and every media outlet in the world is seeking some professional's opinion when the professional's agenda is only to further their candidate's hopes for office. And while we're at it, please spare me the post-debate focus groups where the last 20 people who are too stupid to have made up their mind by this point are corralled together, have a microphone shoved in their face and asked "what do you think?" and then we get their answer back, "he was a little mean." Lah!

So instead of just ranting and raving, let me also give you some of the things that I am lovin' this week.

1. It's Friday!

2. The new season of Heroes. Finally this show has morphed into what it should have been all along!

3. Team Hoyt. I saw Dick speak at a conference yesterday and it is truly amazing what the human body and spirit will do ... amazing and inspiring!

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