There is this new documentary on ABC called Hopkins. Jess and I watched it the night it premiered and I even talked to jack about it. The show is a really compelling documentary featuring the medical drama that takes place in Johns Hopkins Medical Center. The show also illustrates the stress that medical procedures take on both the patients and the doctors. The third episode last week even featured a heart transplant. But the real shock for me was seeing that one of the doctors they are following around is Ann Czarnik, a friend of mine that I graduated high school with. I was really surprised and shocked to see her on there. Furthermore, she is one of the lead doctors in the documentary. It is really crazy knowing that someone I grew up with and literally went to kindergarten with is now one of the stars on a show on ABC. It's kinda cool. Mom said that it is all the talk in Bluefield, where I am from. And while I think it is cool, I know that it has lost some of its surrealness (is that a word?) because of the town I live in. In Nashville, it is nothing to see world famous stars. Last night, we saw a commercial for Hopkins and it advertised what Ann will be up to this week. Then the next commercial was for Hannah Montana and her new line of whatever. So one commercial has a friend from grade school and the next has one of the largest stars in the world, who goes to my church. It's fun, but being star-struck definitely loses its wide-eyed appeal when you live in this town. Nevertheless, I want to be sure to give Ann a big kudos and shout out. So tune in to Hopkins, this Thursday night at 9PM CST on ABC. After not seeing Ann for about 6-7 years, it is refreshing to see she hasn't changed....at all!

1 comment:
And I thought you and Vic were the only famous people from Bluefield.
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