Monday, June 16, 2008

Post Father's Day Observations

Yesterday was Father's Day and Jess constantly reminded me that there is something living inside of her and assured me that I am the father. So, it only made good sense that I chose to celebrate the day with steaks on the grill, a shooting and killing movie, and a few episodes of Seinfeld. I have been thinking a lot over the weekend about various thoughts all with no theme between them. So I thought I would just list my thoughts here and hopefully it will provoke some thoughts of your own.

I think it is interesting how on Mother's Day we all have to go do something for Mom and we plan some event but on Father's Day, Dad just wants to be left alone in front of the TV.

My sweet wife knows me better than anyone and knows just what kind of gifts I like...practical! I am so incredibly blessed to be loved by her.

I still can't get over the fact that Kanye West preformed at Bonaroo. What's more is that he didn't take the stage until 4:25AM Saturday night/Sunday morning.

I always admired Tim Russert's ability to nail down an answer from someone trying to dodge the question. Now I admire him much more for his orientation and devotion to his family and faith.

The Big One: No matter how many books I read or how much prep work I do, when my son is born, I am not going to have a clue what I am doing...and I hope my inabilities as his dad will not inhibit his development of the man God wants him to be. I welcome the advice from all you other fathers out there but the way I figure it, the only way I know to not screw him up too badly is to keep my own eyes on Jesus and make Him the goal. Not personal wholeness, not personal desires, not desired friendships, not dream achievement...but Christ himself must be my goal in raising my child. One of my favorite quotes about parenting is from an author who said parenting is like building a skyscraper. God is in charge of building the massive structure just the way He wants it. He designs it. He creates it. He builds it. Parents are the scaffolding around the building that guide it in its growth to help it stand and be built the way the Architect designed it.

1 comment:

1chambers said...

You'll do just fine, my boy! You were the first born in our family and I love you now just as much as when you were handed to me by your Mom & Dad. They did a pretty good job on raising you and you will do the same with your son (my "Great-Nephew"?? - mercy me!) Just remember, one of your Dad's fav. songs was "CATS IN THE CRADDLE" by Harry Chapin. Listen to it, many times just to stay focused.