Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fringe Benefits

Tonight on FOX is JJ Abrams much hyped new X-Files meets Battlestar Galatica drama call Fringe. I know that I will be on the fringe of my couch. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Angsmile said...

My Brotha, Jamie and I watched fringe and I was a little skeptical when all the people on the plane melted! I told Jamie that he may be watching this one on his own...you know how I am with most science fiction stuff. I told Jamie was surprised because the J.J. Abrams does no wrong. Due to that fact, I continued to watch. I AM HOOKED!!!!!!!! I will be watching next week for sure. I will let you know if my excitement for the show holds. Jamie is in too. I knew the crystalized dude was in on all of it from the beginning. You know I am always right! Ang